brief Comments to Demo-Examples
For a lot of other examples , please see a SCP4 User's Guide (in
Please, pay your attention that the supercompiler can looping forever
(by definition) under a combination of keys to run. Default keys are such combination.
There are a number of reasons for that. In the archive (to be
downloaded) version of the documentation we give a number of such examples.
It is not a good idea to see this Web-page in a small window. The
MST-schemes can be shown incorrectly in such window.
Example #1 (Fab):
<Scp4 .......
> |
<Fab e.1> ; |
- This MST-scheme describes a classical task: to transform a Fab-function
when its argument is unknown and can be any object expression.
- The Fab-function replaces
-characters with 'b'
inside a given string.
Example #2 (Fabc):
<Scp4 ............................. > |
<Fcd <Fbc <Fab 'aebfc' e.1>>> ; |
- The MST-scheme describes a classical task: to supercompile a
composition of three functions when the argument of the inner Fab-function
starts with string
while the rest of the argument
is unknown and can be any object expression.
- The first function (from down to up) replaces
-characters with 'b'
the second replaces 'b'
with 'c'
,at last, the third replaces 'c'
with 'd'.
- If you chouse the lazy driving then you have to expect just one loop
in a residual program.
Example #3 (Sq):
<Scp4 .................> |
<Arith Sq(e.1)> ; |
- Here the Arith-function is an interpreter of a language based on
arithmetic expressions. Basic arithmetic operation are defined with
external functions.
- The task is to specialize the interpreter w.r.t. a Square
Example #4 (Power):
<Scp4 .................. > |
<Arith Power(e.1)> ; |
- Here the Arith-function is an interpreter of a language based on
arithmetic expressions. Basic arithmetic operation are defined with
external functions.
- The task is to specialize the interpreter w.r.t. a Power function.
Example #5 (Fact):
<Scp4 .................. > |
<Arith Fact(e.1)> ; |
- Here the Arith-function is an interpreter of a language based on
arithmetic expressions. Basic arithmetic operation are defined with
external functions.
- The task is to specialize the interpreter w.r.t. a Factorial function.
Example #6 (Cl_AN):
<Scp4 ..........> |
<F e.1> ; |
- This example demonstrates a clearance of input formats and redundant function
calls. That is a good idea to compare two residual programs: the
first is obtained by a whole session of supercompilation , - the
second is created without the
(See Session Of Supercompilation )
Example #7 (Cl_AK) by Andrei V. Klimov :
<Scp4 ..........> |
<F e.1> ; |
- This example demonstrates a clearance of input and output formats. That is a good idea to compare two residual programs: the
first is obtained by a whole session of supercompilation , - the
second is created without the
(See Session Of Supercompilation )
Example #8 (Permsp) by Alexandr Korljukov:
<Scp4 ..
......................... > |
<Perm ( ( s.a s.b ) ('45') ) e.1 > ; |
- Permutation. Generalization of a classical Fab-example. The
permutation is described with cycles. For example,
means that
'1' --> '2'
'2' --> '3'
'3' --> '1'
'4' --> '5'
'5' --> '4'
other symbols are not to be changed.
- The task: to specialize the permutation when it has just two cycles.
The length of the cycles is equal to two. The second cycle has not more
restrictions while the first is full known. The string to be replaced is
Example #9 (Permcm) by Alexandr Korljukov:
............................................................................ > |
<Perm (('12345')('67890')) <Perm (('123')) <Perm (('12')('45')) e.1>>>
; |
- Permutation. The
permutation is described with cycles. For example,
means that
'1' --> '2'
'2' --> '3'
'3' --> '1'
'4' --> '5'
'5' --> '4'
other symbols are not to be changed.
- Generalization of a classical Fabc-task. The start configuration
is a composition of three permutations. These permutations are full
known. The string to be replaced is unknown.
- If you chouse the lazy driving then you have to expect just one loop
in a residual program.
Example #10 (Sum2a) by Alexandr Korljukov:
<Scp4 ................... > |
<Sum2 ( e.1 ) '1' > ; |
- To specialize a binary addition w.r.t. the second argument.
Example #11 (Sum2b) by Alexandr Korljukov:
<Scp4 ..................... > |
<Sum2 ( '1' ) e.2 > ; |
- To specialize a binary addition w.r.t. the first argument.
Example #12 (Bashe) by Alexandr Korljukov:
<Scp4 ..................... > |
<Bashe ( '1' ) e.1 > ; |
- Specialization of a general form of the Bashe's game when the maximal number of matches to take for one step
is equal to one.
Example #13 (Equal):
............................................................................. > |
<Equal ('a' t.1 'b') ('a' t.1 'b')> <Equal ('ac' t.3 'b') ('ab' t.2 'c')>
; |
- This example demonstrates a use of repeated t-variables in left-hand sides
of sentences in a program to be transformed
Refal-5: programming guide and reference manual.).
- Specialization of a concatenation of results of two
Example #14 (F8_i2a) by Alexandr Korljukov:
...................................................... > |
<F8_Int Add ( '1011' ) ( s.1 s.2 s.3 ) s.4 s.5 s.6 > ; |
- Arithmetic in a finite field. Characteristic is equal 2.
- Addition modulo
(representation: '1011' == x^3+x+1
- This example uses a pseudo-comments to declare external executable
Example #15 (F8_i2m) by Alexandr Korljukov:
...................................................... > |
<F8_Int Mul ( '1011') ( s.1 s.2 s.3 ) s.4 s.5 s.6 > ; |
- Arithmetic in a finite field. Characteristic is equal 2.
- Multiplication modulo
(representation: '1011' == x^3+x+1
- This example uses a pseudo-comments to declare external executable
Example #16 (F8_i2i) by Alexandr Korljukov:
....................................... > |
<F8_Int Inv ( '1011' ) s.1 s.2 s.3 > ; |
- Arithmetic in a finite field. Characteristic is equal 2.
- Inversion modulo
(representation: '1011' == x^3+x+1
- This example uses a pseudo-comments to declare external executable
Example #17 (Tur_br) by Alexandr Korljukov. Here
the MST-scheme is not full correct. The second level must be just on a
single line. Our next version the MST-schemes language allows to write large
MST-schemes in some convenient fashion, the available version does not.
.................................................................................. > |
<TUR 'a' ( e.1 )
('a**>b') ('bLL>b') ('bRR>b') ('b((>b') ('b* <d') ('b)R<c')
('cLL<c') ('cRR<c') ('c(L>b') ('c*0>z')
('dL(<d') ('dR)<d') ('d(0>z') ('d*1>z')
> ; |
- An inrepreter of Turing maschine. Instructions:
(s.q s.b s.c s.s s.r)
, where
- a current state,
- a symbol to observe,
- a symbol to write on a current position,
- a direction of shift ( '<'
or '>'
) ,
- a next state,
and 'z'
- a start and end state.
- The task: to specialize the interpreter w.r.t. a program which
reverses bits ( for example,
'1122' ==> '622115'
). The tape is unknown.
Example #18 (Tur_rv) by Alexandr Korljukov. Here
the MST-scheme is not full correct. The second level must be just on a single line. Our next version the MST-schemes language allows to write large
MST-schemes in some convenient fashion, the available version does not.
............................................................ > |
<TUR 'a' ( e.1 ) ('a11>a') ('a22>a') ('a 5<b') ('a$$>a')
('b12<b') ('b21<b') ('b 6>z') ('b$0<b') > ; |
- An inrepreter of Turing maschine. Instructions:
(s.q s.b s.c s.s s.r)
, where
- a current state,
- a symbol to observe,
- a symbol to write on a current position,
- a direction of shift ( '<'
or '>'
) ,
- a next state,
and 'z'
- a start and end state.
- The task: to specialize the interpreter w.r.t. a program which checks a bracket's structure
( for example, '*()((*' ==> '0(RL*'
(False) , or
'*()()*' ==> '1()()'
(True)). The tape is
Example #19 (Div3) by Alexandr Korljukov:
....................... > |
<Divide 3 (e.number)> ; |
- The Divide-function gives a summa of digits of the second argument
modulo the first argument. The
is a list of decimal digits.
- The task: to specialize the function w.r.t. the modulo. A residual
program is exactly the school property of divisiability of numbers by
divides digitN+....+digit0
- This example demonstrates an using of calls to a
-function to protect its argument from
Example #20 (Div11) by Alexandr Korljukov:
....................... > |
<Divide 11 (e.number)> ; |
- The Divide-function gives a summa of digits of the second argument
modulo the first argument. The
is a list of decimal digits.
- The task: to specialize the function w.r.t. the modulo. A residual
program is exactly the school property of divisiability of numbers by
divides digit0+10*digit1+digit2+10*digit3+...
That is equavalent to: 11
- This example demonstrates an using of calls to a
-function to protect its argument from
Example #21 (Div37) by Alexandr Korljukov:
....................... > |
<Divide 37 (e.number)> ; |
- The Divide-function gives a summa of digits of the second argument
modulo the first argument. The
is a list of decimal digits.
- The task: to specialize the function w.r.t. the modulo. A residual
program is exactly the school property of divisiability of numbers by
divides (a0+10*a1+26*a2)+(a3+10*a4+26*a5)+...
That is equavalent to: 37
- This example demonstrates an using of calls to a
-function to protect its argument from
Example #22 (Div10) by Alexandr Korljukov:
....................... > |
<Divide 10 (e.number)> ; |
- The Divide-function gives a summa of digits of the second argument
modulo the first argument. The
is a list of decimal digits.
- The task: to specialize the function w.r.t. the modulo. A residual
program is exactly the school property of divisiability of numbers by
divides digit0
- This example demonstrates an using of calls to a
-function to protect its argument from
Example #23 (Div125) by Alexandr Korljukov:
........................ > |
<Divide 125 (e.number)> ; |
- The Divide-function gives a summa of digits of the second argument
modulo the first argument. The
is a list of decimal digits.
- The task: to specialize the function w.r.t. the modulo. A residual
program is a property of divisiability of numbers by
divides digit0+10*digit1+100*digit2
- This example demonstrates an using of calls to a
-function to protect its argument from
Example #24 (Div18) by Alexandr Korljukov:
....................... > |
<Divide 18 (e.number)> ; |
- The Divide-function gives a summa of digits of the second argument
modulo the first argument. The
is a list of decimal digits.
- The task: to specialize the function w.r.t. the modulo. A residual
program is a property of divisiability of numbers by
divides digit0+10*(digit1+digit2+...+digitN)
- This example demonstrates an using of calls to a
-function to protect its argument from
Example #25 (Div999) by Alexandr Korljukov:
........................ > |
<Divide 999 (e.number)> ; |
- The Divide-function gives a summa of digits of the second argument
modulo the first argument. The
is a list of decimal digits.
- The task: to specialize the function w.r.t. the modulo. A residual
program is a property of divisiability of numbers by
divides (digit0+10*digit1+100*digit2)+(digit3+10*digit4+100*digit5)+...
- This example demonstrates an using of calls to a
-function to protect its argument from
Example #26 (RegeKK) by Arkadij Klimov and Alexandr
.............................................................. > |
<Allows (ALT (CAT 'Korlukov') (ITER (CAT 'Klimov')))
e.expr> ; |
- The Allows-function checks if the second argument belongs to a
regular language which is defined with the first argument.
- The task: to specialize the predicate w.r.t. the next language:
'Korlukov' |
- This example demonstrates a use of external executable ( in supercompile-time )
functions. The functions are declared inside the program to be transformed.
Example #27 (RegeAB) by Arkadij Klimov and Alexandr
.................................................... > |
<Allows (ITER (CAT (ITER 'A') (ITER 'B'))) e.expr>
; |
- The Allows-function checks if the second argument belongs to a
regular language which is defined with the first argument.
- The task: to specialize the predicate w.r.t. the next language:
('A')^* ('B')^*)^*
- This example demonstrates a use of external executable ( in supercompile-time )
functions. The functions are declared inside the program to be transformed.
Example #28 (Rege12) by Arkadij Klimov and Alexandr
............................................................... > |
<Allows (ITER (ITER 'A') (ALT '1' '2') (ITER 'B'))
e.expr> ; |
- The Allows-function checks if the second argument belongs to a
regular language which is defined with the first argument.
- The task: to specialize the predicate w.r.t. the next language:
('A')^* ('1' | '2') ('B')^ *)^*
- This example demonstrates a use of external executable ( in supercompile-time )
functions. The functions are declared inside the program to be transformed.
Example #29 (RegABi) by Arkadij Klimov and Alexandr
........................................ > |
<Allows (ITER (ITER 'A') 'B') e.expr>
; |
- The Allows-function checks if the second argument belongs to a
regular language which is defined with the first argument.
- The task: to specialize the predicate w.r.t. the next language:
('A')^* 'B')^*
- This example demonstrates a use of external executable ( in supercompile-time )
functions. The functions are declared inside the program to be transformed.
Example #30 (RegAB2) by Arkadij Klimov and
Alexandr Korljukov:
................................................ > |
<Allows (ITER (ITER 'AB') (ITER 'AB')) e.expr>
; |
- The Allows-function checks if the second argument belongs to a
regular language which is defined with the first argument.
- The task: to specialize the predicate w.r.t. the next language:
('AB')^* ('AB')^ *)^*
- This example demonstrates a use of external executable ( in supercompile-time )
functions. The functions are declared inside the program to be transformed.
Example #31 (Formi) by Alexandr Korljukov:
............................................ > |
<FPInt Inv ((eb) (ea)) (( 1 )( 0 )( 1 )) >
; |
- Arithmetic in an extension of a field. Let
be a field, P[F]
be a ring of polinomials over the field.
The new field can be obtained by extension of the given field with the roots of some irreducible
polinomial. Polinomials are encoded with a sequence of elements from the field.
For example, x^2 - 2
is encoded with (1) (0) ('-' 2)
. Zero-polinomial is encoded as an empty expression ( nothing ).
The field can be chosen with users.
- Specialization: to create a rule of inversion of rational complex numbers.
Example #32 (Formc) by Alexandr Korljukov:
........................................................... > |
<FPInt s.Oper ((e1) (e2)) ((ea) (eb)) (( 1 )( 0 )( 1 ))
; |
- Arithmetic in an extension of a field. Let
be a field, P[F]
be a ring of polinomials over the field.
The new field can be obtained by extension of the given field with the roots of some irreducible
polinomial. Polinomials are encoded with a sequence of elements from the field.
For example, x^2 - 2
is encoded with (1) (0) ('-' 2)
. Zero-polinomial is encoded as an empty expression ( nothing ).
The field can be chosen with users.
- Specialization: to create rules basic arithmetical operations in the
field of rational complex numbers.
Example #33 (Form2) by Alexandr Korljukov:
............................................................... > |
<FPInt s.Oper ((e1) (e2)) ((ea) (eb)) (( 1 )( 0 )( '-' 2 ))
; |
- Arithmetic in an extension of a field. Let
be a field, P[F]
be a ring of polinomials over the field.
The new field can be obtained by extension of the given field with the roots of some irreducible
polinomial. Polinomials are encoded with a sequence of elements from the field.
For example, x^2 - 2
is encoded with (1) (0) ('-' 2)
. Zero-polinomial is encoded as an empty expression ( nothing ).
The field can be chosen with users.
- Specialization: to create rules basic arithmetical operations in a
field of rational complex numbers of the next form
, where q
and p
are any rational numbers..
Example #34 (Open):
.....................................> |
<OpenDemo ('12345' (e.1) '678') e.3> ; |
.............................. > |
<OpenDemo ('12345a678') e.3> ; |
........................... > |
<OpenDemo (e.1) 'c' e.3> ; |
- The example demonstrates a use of open variables
Refal-5: programming guide and reference manual.) as well as a simultaneous
transformation a number of task.
- The tasks:
- Specialization: the first arguments is partly known, the second is
- Specialization: the first arguments is known, the second is
- Specialization: the first arguments is unknown, the second is
partly known.
Example #35 (Search) by Alexandr Korljukov:
.................................. > |
<Search ('abcabcacab') e.string> ; |
- A classical task. Specialization of a naive search with respect to a given patter.
- A residual program is the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm.