WHAT IS TTOOLS TTOOLS is free package comprising assembler, linker, loader(s), and auxiliary programs intended for software development for transputers. TTOOLS is designed to work with gcc-t800, a port of GNU C/C++ Compiler to transputers. You need gcc-2.6.3-t800.7 or newer; older versions use a slightly different flavor of assembly language. Both TTOOLS and gcc-t800 are known to work on i486-linux platform. As they use mostly basic system interfaces, it should not be hard to port them to other Un*xes, but I didn't try this. COPYRIGHT TTOOLS is Copyright (C) 1995 Yury Shevchuk. Copying is allowed under the terms of GNU General Public License. No warranty, you understand. See the file COPYING for more details. AVAILABILITY You can always download a fresh version of TTOOLS from ftp.botik.ru: /pub/local/ttools. Warning: this site may be unreachable from time to time, don't panic if you cannot connect right away. If you want to provide a mirror, you are welcome. INSTALLATION Untar the ttools-*.tar.gz archive, change to ttools directory, edit the variables in Makefile to suit you taste, "make". "make test" if you want to verify if the programs you just compiled do work. "make install" to get the programs and man pages installed on your system. This will also create symlinks under /usr[/local]/t800 where GCC installation process expects to see cross-tools. "man ttools" to read an introductory text. FEEDBACK Please don't hesitate to sent bug reports, comments, etc. to me at . Sending a bug report is a Good Deed because thus you help to keep other people from running into the same problem that you had. Comments, etc. are useful too, explaining why is left as an exercise to the reader. ;-)