module UU_Scanner where

import Char
import List
import Maybe
import UU_BinaryTrees(tab2tree,btLocateIn)
import UU_Parsing(Symbol(..),IsParser,pSym,(<$>),pListSep,pPacked)

{- A parametrisable scanner
 - Author: Doaitse Swierstra:
      and: Pablo Azero      :
 - Version 1.0 , May 25, 1998, SDS
    first appearance on the software web site.
 - Version 1.01, June 7, 1998, SDS
    changed String recognition to recognise escaped characters
 - Version 1.02, Aug 30, 1998, SDS
    includes with unsafePerformIO
 - Version 2.1,  Jul  7, 1999, slightly different definition of token
                               ordering between tokens introduced
 - Version 2.2,  Jul  8, 1999, AG_Scanner and UU_Scanner merged
 - Version 2.3,  Jul 15, 1999, modifications: recognize decimal, octal and
 -                             hexadecimal numbers; handles ' as part of a
 -                             lower case identifier
 -                             fixes: bug in msort (loops when passing an
 -                             empty list)
 - Version 2.4,  Jul 23, 1999, additions: recognize characters and infix
 -                             operators
 - Lang. compat: Hugs 98 (because it is required by UU_Parsing)
 - Version 2.5,  Aug 15, 1999, changed names, pSym -> pSpec
                             , all parsers start with p....
 - Version 2.6,  Sept 15, 1999, changed error message for unterminated string
 - Version 2.7,  Sept 23, 1999, changed definition of pOper_Any
 - Version 2.8   Aug 14,  2000, adapted to changes in search trees
 - ??            Oct 25,  2000, adapted to use column numbers
 - ??            Feb 2,   2001, incorporated changes of AD
 - ??            Feb 28,  2001, tabs are handled correctly for column numbers
 - ??            Mar 1,   2001, now generates space tokens that have to be filtered again
 - ??            Apr 4,   2001, tabs are now handled relative to current column number

data TokenType
  = TkSymbol
  | TkVarid
  | TkConid
  | TkKeyword
  | TkOp
  | TkString
  | TkChar
  | TkInteger8
  | TkInteger10
  | TkInteger16
  | TkTextnm
  | TkTextln
  | TkSpace
  | TkError
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

type Line = Int
type Column = Int

data Pos = Pos{line:: !Line, column:: !Column}
type Filename   = String

data Token = Tok { tp   :: TokenType
                 , val1 :: String
                 , val2 :: String
                 , pos  :: !Pos
                 , file :: !Filename
instance Eq Token where
  (Tok ttypel     stringl _ _ _ ) ==  (Tok ttyper     stringr _ _  _) =  ttypel == ttyper && stringl == stringr

instance   Ord Token where
  compare x y | x==y      = EQ
              | x<=y      = LT
              | otherwise = GT
  (Tok ttypel     stringl _ _ _ ) <= (Tok ttyper    stringr _ _  _ )
      =     ttypel <  ttyper
        || (ttypel == ttyper && stringl <= stringr)

maybeshow :: Pos -> Filename -> String
maybeshow (Pos 0 0) fn =  ""
maybeshow (Pos l c) fn =  " at line " ++ show l
                       ++ ", column " ++ show c
                       ++ " of file " ++ show fn

initPos :: Pos
initPos = Pos 1 1

noPos :: Pos
noPos = Pos 0 0

advl ::  Line -> Pos ->Pos
advl i (Pos l c) = (Pos (l+i) 1)

advc :: Column -> Pos ->  Pos
advc i (Pos l c) = (Pos l (c+i))

adv :: Pos -> Char -> Pos
adv pos c = case c of
  '\t' -> advc (tabWidth (column pos)) pos
  '\n' -> advl 1 pos
  _    -> advc 1 pos

tabWidth :: Column -> Int
tabWidth c = 8 - ((c-1) `mod` 8)

instance Show Token where
  showsPrec _ token
    = showString
       (case token of
        (Tok TkSymbol    _  s2 i fn)  -> "symbol "                ++ s2         ++ maybeshow i fn
        (Tok TkOp        _  s2 i fn)  -> "operator "              ++ s2         ++ maybeshow i fn
        (Tok TkKeyword   _  s2 i fn)  ->                        show s2         ++ maybeshow i fn
        (Tok TkString    _  s2 i fn)  -> "string \""              ++ s2 ++ "\"" ++ maybeshow i fn
        (Tok TkChar      _  s2 i fn)  -> "character '"            ++ s2 ++ "'"  ++ maybeshow i fn
        (Tok TkInteger8  _  s2 i fn)  -> "octal integer "         ++ s2         ++ maybeshow i fn
        (Tok TkInteger10 _  s2 i fn)  -> "decimal Integer "       ++ s2         ++ maybeshow i fn
        (Tok TkInteger16 _  s2 i fn)  -> "hexadecimal integer "   ++ s2         ++ maybeshow i fn
        (Tok TkVarid     _  s2 i fn)  -> "lower case identifier " ++ s2         ++ maybeshow i fn
        (Tok TkConid     _  s2 i fn)  -> "upper case identifier " ++ s2         ++ maybeshow i fn
        (Tok TkTextnm    _  s2 i fn)  -> "text name "             ++ s2         ++ maybeshow i fn
        (Tok TkTextln    _  s2 i fn)  -> "text line "             ++ s2         ++ maybeshow i fn
        (Tok TkSpace     _  s2 i fn)  -> "spaces "                              ++ maybeshow i fn
        (Tok TkError     _  s2 i fn)  -> "error in scanner: "     ++ s2         ++ maybeshow i fn

instance  Symbol Token where
  deleteCost (Tok TkKeyword _ _ _ _) = 10
  deleteCost _                       = 5

keyToken,token :: TokenType -> String -> Pos -> Filename -> Token
keyToken tp key pos fn = Tok tp key key   pos fn
token  tp value pos fn = Tok tp ""  value pos fn

errToken :: String -> Pos -> Filename -> Token
errToken = token TkError

skipline s = let (_,rest) = span (/='\n') s
             in  rest

scan :: [String] -> [String] -> String -> String -> String -> Pos -> String -> [Token]
scan keywordstxt keywordsops specchars opchars fn pos input
  = doScan pos input

   locatein :: Ord a => [a] -> a -> Bool
   locatein es = isJust . btLocateIn compare (tab2tree (sort es))
   iskw     = locatein keywordstxt
   isop     = locatein keywordsops
   isSymbol = locatein specchars
   isOpsym  = locatein opchars

   isIdStart c = isLower c || c == '_'

   isIdChar c =  isAlphaNum c
              || c == '\''
              || c == '_'

   scanIdent p s = let (name,rest) = span isIdChar s
                   in (name,advc (length name) p,rest)

   doScan p [] = []
   doScan p (c:s)        | isSpace c = let (sp,next) = span isSpace s
                                       in  doScan (foldl adv p (c:sp)) next

   doScan p ('-':'-':s)  = doScan p (dropWhile (/= '\n') s)
   doScan p ('{':'-':s)  = lexNest fn doScan (advc 2 p) s
   doScan p ('"':ss)
     = let (s,swidth,rest) = scanString ss
       in if null rest || head rest /= '"'
             then errToken "Unterminated string literal" p fn : doScan (advc swidth p) rest
             else token TkString s p fn : doScan (advc (swidth+2) p) (tail rest)

   doScan p ('\'':ss)
     = let (mc,cwidth,rest) = scanChar ss
       in case mc of
            Nothing -> errToken "Error in character literal" p fn : doScan (advc cwidth p) rest
            Just c  -> if null rest || head rest /= '\''
                          then errToken "Unterminated character literal" p fn : doScan (advc (cwidth+1) p) rest
                          else token TkChar [c] p fn : doScan (advc (cwidth+2) p) (tail rest)

   In Haskell infix identifiers consist of three separate tokens(two backquotes + identifier)
   doScan p ('`':ss)
     = case ss of
         []    -> [errToken "Unterminated infix identifier" p fn]
         (c:s) -> let res | isIdStart c || isUpper c =
                                   let (name,p1,rest) = scanIdent (advc 2 p) s
                                       ident = c:name
                                       tokens | null rest ||
                                                head rest /= '`' = errToken "Unterminated infix identifier" p fn
                                                                 : doScan p1 rest
                                              | iskw ident       = errToken ("Keyword used as infix identifier: " ++ ident) p fn
                                                                 : doScan (advc 1 p1) (tail rest)
                                              | otherwise        = token TkOp ident p fn
                                                                 : doScan (advc 1 p1) (tail rest)
                                   in tokens
                          | otherwise = errToken ("Unexpected character in infix identifier: " ++ show c) p fn
                                      : doScan (adv p c) s
                  in res
   doScan p cs@(c:s)
     | isSymbol c = keyToken TkSymbol [c] p fn
                  : doScan(advc 1 p) s
     | isIdStart c || isUpper c
         = let (name', p', s')    = scanIdent (advc 1 p) s
               name               = c:name'
               tok                = if iskw name
                                    then keyToken TkKeyword name p fn
                                    else if null name' && isSymbol c
                                    then keyToken TkSymbol [c] p fn
                                    else token (if isIdStart c then TkVarid else TkConid) name p fn
           in tok :  doScan p' s'
     | isOpsym c = let (name, s') = span isOpsym cs
                       tok | isop name = keyToken TkKeyword name p fn
                           | otherwise = token TkOp name p fn
                   in tok : doScan (foldl adv p name) s'
     | isDigit c = let (tktype,number,width,s') = getNumber cs
                   in  token tktype number p fn : doScan (advc width p) s'
     | otherwise = errToken ("Unexpected character " ++ show c) p fn
                 : doScan (adv p c) s


-- ks: no clean implementation of columns
readname s lc fn = (name,orest,nlc)
  where (line,irest) = span (/='\n') s
        orest = if null irest then "" else irest
        nlc   = if null irest then lc else (lc `advl` 1)
        name  = takename . dropWhile (\x -> not $ x `elem` "{[") $ line
        takename ln | null ln   = ""
                    | otherwise = if not (null tln) && (isAlpha . head $ tln)
                                  then if not (null rln) && (head rln `elem` "}]")
                                       then cname
                                       else err lc fn 1
                                  else err lc fn 1
          where (cname, rln) = span validChar tln
                tln          = tail ln
                validChar c  = isAlpha c || c `elem` ".-_" || isDigit c

-- ks: changed definition from (lc+1) to (lc)
err lc fn 1 = error ("in scanner bad name definition" ++ maybeshow (lc) fn)
err lc fn 2
   = error ("in scanner not a valid name in file inclusion" ++ maybeshow (lc) fn)
lexNest fn cont pos inp = lexNest' cont pos inp
 where lexNest' c p ('-':'}':s) = c (advc 2 p) s
       lexNest' c p ('{':'-':s) = lexNest' (lexNest' c) (advc 2 p) s
       lexNest' c p (x:s)       = lexNest' c (adv p x) s
       lexNest' _ _ []          = [ errToken "Unterminated nested comment" pos fn ]

scanString []            = ("",0,[])
scanString ('\\':'&':xs) = let (str,w,r) = scanString xs
                           in (str,w+2,r)
scanString ('\'':xs)     = let (str,w,r) = scanString xs
                           in ('\'': str,w+1,r)
scanString xs = let (ch,cw,cr) = getchar xs
                    (str,w,r)  = scanString cr
                    str' = maybe "" (:str) ch
                in maybe ("",0,xs) (\c -> (c:str,cw+w,r)) ch

scanChar ('"' :xs) = (Just '"',1,xs)
scanChar xs        = getchar xs

getchar []          = (Nothing,0,[])
getchar s@('\n':_ ) = (Nothing,0,s )
getchar s@('\t':_ ) = (Nothing,0,s)
getchar s@('\'':_ ) = (Nothing,0,s)
getchar s@('"' :_ ) = (Nothing,0,s)
getchar   ('\\':xs) = let (c,l,r) = getEscChar xs
                      in (c,l+1,r)
getchar (x:xs)      = (Just x,1,xs)

getEscChar [] = (Nothing,0,[])
getEscChar s@(x:xs) | isDigit x = let (tp,n,len,rest) = getNumber s
                                      val = case tp of
                                              TkInteger8  -> readn 8  n
                                              TkInteger16 -> readn 16 n
                                              TkInteger10 -> readn 10 n
                                  in  if val >= 0 && val <= 255
                                         then (Just (chr val),len, rest)
                                         else (Nothing,1,rest)
                    | otherwise = case x `lookup` cntrChars of
                                 Nothing -> (Nothing,0,s)
                                 Just c  -> (Just c,1,xs)
  where cntrChars = [('a','\a'),('b','\b'),('f','\f'),('n','\n'),('r','\r'),('t','\t')

readn base n = foldl (\r x  -> value x + base * r) 0 n

getNumber cs@(c:s)
  | c /= '0'               = num10
  | null s                 = const0
  | hs == 'x' || hs == 'X' = num16
  | hs == 'o' || hs == 'O' = num8
  | otherwise              = num10
  where (hs:ts) = s
        const0 = (TkInteger10, "0",1,s)
        num10  = let (n,r) = span isDigit cs
                 in (TkInteger10,n,length n,r)
        num16   = readNum isHexaDigit  ts TkInteger16
        num8    = readNum isOctalDigit ts TkInteger8
        readNum p ts tk
          = let nrs@(n,rs) = span p ts
            in  if null n then const0
                          else (tk         , n, 2+length n,rs)

isHexaDigit  d = isDigit d || (d >= 'A' && d <= 'F') || (d >= 'a' && d <= 'f')
isOctalDigit d = d >= '0' && d <= '7'

value c | isDigit c = ord c - ord '0'
        | isUpper c = ord c - ord 'A' + 10
        | isLower c = ord c - ord 'a' + 10

-- IsParsers for  Symbols

get_tok_val (Tok _ _ s _ _) = s

gsym :: IsParser p Token => TokenType -> String -> String -> p String
gsym kind val val2 = get_tok_val <$> pSym (Tok kind val val2 noPos "")

pString, pChar, pInteger8, pInteger10, pInteger16, pVarid, pConid,
  pTextnm, pTextln, pInteger  :: IsParser p Token => p String

pOper name     =   gsym TkOp        name      name
pKey  keyword  =   gsym TkKeyword   keyword   keyword
pSpec s        =   gsym TkSymbol    [s]       [s]

pString        =   gsym TkString    ""        ""
pChar          =   gsym TkChar      ""        "\NUL"
pInteger8      =   gsym TkInteger8  ""        "1"
pInteger10     =   gsym TkInteger10 ""        "1"
pInteger16     =   gsym TkInteger16 ""        "1"
pVarid         =   gsym TkVarid     ""        "?lc?"
pConid         =   gsym TkConid     ""        "?uc?"
pTextnm        =   gsym TkTextnm    ""        ""
pTextln        =   gsym TkTextln    ""        ""

pInteger       =   pInteger10

pComma, pSemi, pOParen, pCParen, pOBrack, pCBrack, pOCurly, pCCurly
   :: IsParser p Token => p String

pComma  = pSpec ','
pSemi   = pSpec ';'
pOParen = pSpec '('
pCParen = pSpec ')'
pOBrack = pSpec '['
pCBrack = pSpec ']'
pOCurly = pSpec '{'
pCCurly = pSpec '}'

pCommas ::  IsParser p Token => p a -> p [a]
pSemics ::  IsParser p Token => p a -> p [a]
pParens ::  IsParser p Token => p a -> p a
pBracks ::  IsParser p Token => p a -> p a
pCurly  ::  IsParser p Token => p a -> p a

pCommas  = pListSep pComma
pSemics  = pListSep pSemi
pParens  = pPacked pOParen pCParen
pBracks  = pPacked pOBrack pCBrack
pCurly   = pPacked pOCurly pCCurly

pParens_pCommas :: IsParser p Token => p a -> p [a]
pBracks_pCommas :: IsParser p Token => p a -> p [a]
pCurly_pSemics  :: IsParser p Token => p a -> p [a]

pParens_pCommas = pParens.pCommas
pBracks_pCommas = pBracks.pCommas
pCurly_pSemics  = pCurly .pSemics