{- $Id: test.xsg,v 2009/02/20 18:00:05 orlov Exp $ -}
{- vim: set syntax=xsg expandtab tabstop=4: -}

mytest : 0, 1
mytest, ?x = myg, x = myf, x

myg : 0, 1
myg, ?x

undef : 0,1
undef, A = B, A

myf : 0, 1
myf, undef

EQ: 1
----------------------------- tests ---------------------------------
test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6 : 0,1
--test1 , ?x = show exp, ?y = parse x, cons x y --doesn't work? :(
test6, parse ?x = ?y, PARSE x EQ y

myundef : 0,1
myundef, !y

--test1: 0,2
--test1, ?x1 = myundef, ?x2 = myundef, x1 = x2, (_0) cons x1 x2 
--     , ?x1 = myundef, ?x2 = myundef,          (_2) cons x1 x2 
--     , ?x = myundef, x = id x,                (_3) x
--     , @x = myundef, x = id x,                (_4) x
--     , sum' _2 (I I I I !y) = I I I I ?x,     (_5) x
--test1, ?x = myundef, x

test1, @x = undef, true

test2, ?x = undef, true

test3, sum _5 _6
test4, sum _3 I I I I undef = I I I I I I ?y, y
test5, sum' _3 I I I I undef = I I I I I I ?y, y

sum, sum': int int, int

sum @x @y, sum' x y -- sum is a strict version of sum'

sum' O O, O
     O ?x, x = I ?x', x
     ?x O, x = I ?x', x
     I ?x I ?y, I I sum' x y
----------------------------------SL = Stupid Language-----------------------------------------------------
sl_assign: sl_exp sl_exp sl_stmt -- lhs rhs next
sl_print: sl_exp sl_stmt         -- output next
sl_var: string
sl_const: integer
-- sl_undef:
sl_bind: string integer sl_bind  -- var value next

sl_neq: 2,1
sl_neq X Y, true
       X Z, true
       Y Z, true
       Y X, true
       Z X, true
       Z Y, true
       -- need # ??

sl_prog1: , sl_prog
sl_prog1, sl_assign sl_var X sl_const _2
          sl_assign sl_var Y sl_var X
          sl_assign sl_var X sl_const _1
          sl_print sl_var X
          sl_print sl_var Y
          sl_print sl_const _3

sl_run: sl_prog, integer_list
sl_run ?prog, sl_eval prog env_empty

sl_eval: 2,1
sl_eval sl_nil ?env, nil
        sl_assign ?lhs ?rhs ?next ?env, sl_eval next (env_update env lhs rhs)
        sl_print  ?output   ?next ?env, cons (env_value env output) sl_eval next env

env_empty: 0,1
env_empty, sl_nil

env_concat: 2,1
env_concat env_empty ?env, env
           sl_bind ?var ?value ?next ?env, sl_bind var value env_concat next env

env_value: 2,1        
env_value ?env sl_const ?const, const
          env_concat ?env1 sl_bind ?var ?value ?env2 sl_var  var, value

env_update: 3,1
env_update ?env (sl_var ?var) ?rhs
             , env_undef env var = true
             , ?value = env_value env rhs
             , sl_bind var value env
           ?env (sl_var ?var) ?rhs
             , env = env_concat ?env1 sl_bind var ?value ?env2
             , ?value = env_value env rhs
             , env_concat env1 sl_bind var value env2

env_undef: 2,1
env_undef env_empty ?var, true
          sl_bind ?var1 ?value ?next ?var2, sl_neq var1 var2 = true, env_undef next var2 = true, true

sl_get_next: 1,1
sl_get_next (sl_assign ?lhs ?rhs ?next), next
            (sl_print ?output ?next), next 
sl_unget_next: 1,1
sl_unget_next (sl_get_next ?next), next
sl_prints_vars: 1,1
sl_prints_vars (sl_print sl_var ?var ?next), true
               (sl_unget_next ?next), sl_prints_vars next
sl_test1: 0,1
sl_test1, sl_run sl_prog1

sl_test2: 0,2
sl_test2, sl_run ?prog = ?res, prog res

sl_test3: 0,2
sl_test3, sl_run ?prog = ?res, sl_prints_vars prog = true, prog res

op_plus: 2
op_minus: 2
op_var: 1
op_const: 1

exp : 0, 1
exp, op_plus op_minus op_var _1 op_const _3 op_var _2

str1 : 0,1 
str1, cons (sym_var (cons A nil)) cons sym_minus cons (sym_const (I I I O)) cons sym_plus cons (sym_var (cons B nil)) nil
--   X1 - 3 + X2 

sym_const: 1
sym_var: 1

sym2op: exp1 exp2 sym, exp
sym2op ?e1 ?e2 sym_plus, op_plus e1 e2
       ?e1 ?e2 sym_minus, op_minus e1 e2

delay : int a, a
delay O ?x, x
      I ?n ?x, delay n x

show : exp, string
show op_const ?value, cons sym_const value nil
     op_var ?name, cons sym_var name nil
     sym2op ?e1 ?e2 ?sym, concat show e1 cons sym show e2
--     ?e, delay _10 cons sym_open concat show e cons sym_close nil
parse : string, exp
parse (show ?e), e

-- exp ::= term | term + exp | term - exp
-- term ::= var | const | ( exp )

exp_token :
term_token :

eval : 1 , 2 
eval exp_token, eval term_token                                              
     exp_token, ?x1 ?y1 = eval term_token, ?x2 ?y2 = eval exp_token, 
                concat x1 cons sym_plus x2         op_plus y1 y2 
     exp_token, ?x1 ?y1 = eval term_token, ?x2 ?y2 = eval exp_token,
                concat x1 cons sym_minus x2        op_minus y1 y2
     term_token, ?x1 ?y1 = eval exp_token,
                cons sym_open concat x1 sym_close  y1
     term_token, cons sym_var ?x nil               op_var x 
     term_token, cons sym_const ?x nil             op_const x

parse' : 1,1
parse' ?x, eval exp_token = x ?y, y
period : integer char, string
period ?n ?c, ?x = concat take n repeat c x, x

perm : integer, integer_list
perm O , cons O nil
     -- ?n, n = I ?m, ?xs ?ys = split (perm m), concat xs (cons n ys)
     ?n, ?m = sub n _1 = integer, ?xs ?ys = split (perm m), concat xs (cons n ys)
     -- ?n, ?m defined = sub2 n _1, ?xs ?ys = split (perm m), concat xs (cons n ys)

integer : , integer
integer , O
        , I integer


sub2 : integer ingteger, integer bool
sub2 ?x   O   , x defined
     I ?x I ?y, sub x y defined

-- eqSet : list list, bool
-- eqSet ?x ?y, isSubSet x y = true, isSubSet y x = true, true

isSubSet : list list, bool
isSubSet nil         ?ys, true
         cons ?x ?xs ?ys, isElem x ys = true, isSubSet xs ys = true, true

integerList : , integer_list
integerList , integerList' O

integerList' : integer, integer_list
integerList' ?n, cons n integerList' I n

perm' : integer, integer_list
perm' ?n, ?x, length x = n, isSubSet (take n integerList) x = true, x

--main : , _
--main , length (concat (cons A nil) nil)


abcd : , string
abcd , cons A cons B cons C cons D nil

abcba : , string
abcba , cons A cons B cons C cons B cons A nil

isPolyndrom : string , bool
isPolyndrom ?x, x = reverse x, true

reverse : a_list , a_list
reverse nil
        cons ?x nil
        cons ?x concat ?xs cons ?y nil, cons y concat reverse xs cons x nil

reverse' : a_list , a_list
reverse' ?x, reverse'' x nil

reverse'' : _ _ , _
reverse'' nil         ?ys, ys
          cons ?x ?xs ?ys, reverse'' xs cons x ys

--------------------------- hack? -------------------------------------

cons : 2
nil : 0
--nil : , _
-- cons : _ _ , _

cons' : a a_list integer

nil, cons' ?x ?xs O

cons ?x ?xs, xs = cons' ?y ?ys ?n, cons' x xs I n

length' : a_list, integer
length' cons' ?x ?xs ?n, n

isNil : 1, 1
isNil nil, true

isEq : 2, 1
isEq ?x ?y, x = y, true

_node : key left right
node : _, _
node ?x, _node x ?l ?r

link: _ _, _
link ?xs ?ys, xs = _node ?cx ?lx ?rx, ys = _node ?cy ?ly ?ry, ly = xs, rx = ys, true 

link': _ _, _
link' ?xs ?ys, link xs ys = true, xs

link'': _ _, _
link'' ?xs ?ys, xs = _node ?cx ?lx ?rx, ys = _node ?cy ?ly ?ry, ly = xs, rx = ys, xs

--cons ?c nil, x = node c x x, x
--     ?c ?xs, xs = node ?d ?l ?r, ?x = node c xs

--unbind node ?c ?l ?r, 

-- cons ?c (__list ?h ?t),  ?x = __list (__node c x h) t, x

hang : 0, 1
hang , hang

id : a, a
id ?x, x

dup : a, a a
dup ?x, x x

swap : a b, b a
swap ?x ?y, y x

fst : a b, a
fst ?x ?y, x

snd : a b, b
snd ?x ?y, y

------------------------------ bool -----------------------------------
true :
false :

or : bool bool , bool
or { true ?x, true; ?x true, true; false  false, false; }

and : bool bool , bool
and false ?x   , false
    ?x    false, false
    true  true , true

--------------------------------  list  ---------------------------------
head : a_list, a
head (cons ?x ?y), x

tail : a_list, a_list
tail (cons ?x ?y), y

repeat : a, a_list
repeat ?x, ?y = cons x y, y

repeat' : a, a_list
repeat' ?x, cons x repeat' x

concat : a_list a_list, a_list
concat (nil        ) ?ys, ys
       (cons ?x ?xs) ?ys, cons x (concat xs ys)

cycle : a_list, a_list
cycle nil, nil
      ?xs, xs = cons ?a ?b, ?ys = concat xs ys, ys

split' : a_list, a_list a_list
split' (concat ?xs ?ys), xs ys

split : a_list, a_list a_list
split ?xs        , nil xs
      cons ?x ?xs, ?ys ?zs = split xs, (cons x ys) zs

isElem : a a_list, bool
isElem ?x (concat ?xs cons x ?ys), true

elem : a_list, a
elem (concat ?xs cons ?x ?ys), ?x

some: list_a, a
some cons ?x ?xs, x
     cons ?x ?xs, some xs 

lookup: 2,1
lookup ?ps ?x, cons x ?y = some ps, y

zip : a_list b_list, ab_list
zip (nil        ) (nil        ), nil
    (cons ?x ?xs) (cons ?y ?ys), cons (cons x y) (zip xs ys)
-- too poor zip, cannot generate a cycle given 2 cycles

zip2 : a_list b_list, ab_list
zip2 ?x ?y, zip2' emptyqs x y

zip2' : abc_pairs a_list b_list, ab_list
zip2' ?qs (nil) (nil), nil
      ?qs (cons ?u ?v) (nil), nil
      ?qs (nil) (cons ?u ?v), nil
      ?qs (?x ) (?y ), x = cons ?u ?v, y = cons ?u ?v, findqs qs x y
      ?qs (?x ) (?y ), x = cons ?xu ?xv, y = cons ?yu ?yv, ?z = cons cons xu yu (zip2' (addqs qs x y z) xv yv), z

zip3 : a_list b_list, ab_list
zip3 (concat ?x0 cycle ?x1) (concat ?y0 cycle ?y1), length x0 = length y0, length x1 = length y1,
        concat (zip x0 y0) cycle (zip x1 y1)

emptyqs : 0, 1
emptyqs, nil

findqs : 3, 1
findqs ?q ?x ?y, lookup q cons x y

addqs : 4, 1
addqs ?qs ?x ?y ?z, cons cons cons x y z qs

test7 : 0, 1
test7, ?x = cons A x, ?y = cons B cons C y, zip2 x y

------------------------------- integer  ---------------------------------
O : 0
I : 1

_0 : , integer
_0 , O
_1 : , integer
_1 , I O
_2 : , integer
_2 , I I O
_3 : , integer
_3 , I I I O
_4 : , integer
_4 , I I I I O
_5 : , integer
_5 , I I I I I O
_6 : , integer
_6 , I I I I I I O
_7 : , integer
_7 , I I I I I I I O
_8 : , integer
_8 , I I I I I I I I O
_9 : , integer
_9 , I I I I I I I I I O
_10 : , integer
_10 , I I I I I I I I I I O

add : integer integer, integer
add O    ?y, y
    I ?x ?y, I add x y

mul : integer integer, integer
mul O    ?y, O
    I ?x ?y, add y mul x y

sub : integer integer, integer
sub ?x   O   , x
    I ?x I ?y, sub x y

sub' : integer integer, integer
sub' (add ?x ?y) x, y

sub'' : integer integer, integer
sub'' (add ?x ?y) y, x

greater : integer integer, bool
greater I ?n O   , true
        O    ?n  , false
        I ?n I ?m, greater n m

greater' : integer integer, bool
greater' ?x ?y, sub x y = I ?z, true

isNotPrime : integer, bool
isNotPrime ?x, x = mul ?y ?z, greater' y _1 = true, greater' z _1 = true, true

eq : a a, bool
eq O O, true
   (I ?x) O, false
   O (I ?x), false
   (I ?x) (I ?y), eq x y
   nil  nil , true
   (cons ?a ?b) nil, false
   nil (cons ?a ?b), false
   (cons ?a ?b) (cons ?c ?d), and (eq a b) (eq c d)

----------------------------- rational! ----------------------------------

Q0, Q1: 1  
q0, q1: 0

_1_3: 0,1
_1_3, ?x = Q0 Q1 x, x

----------------------------- list + integer -----------------------------
length : a_list, integer
length (nil        ), O
       (cons ?x ?xs), I length xs

take : integer a_list, a_list
take (O   ) (?xs        ), nil
     (I ?n) (cons ?x ?xs), cons x take n xs

drop : integer a_list, a_list
drop (O   ) (?xs        ), xs
     (I ?n) (cons ?x ?xs), drop n xs

splitAt : integer a_list, a_list a_list
splitAt (O   ) (?xs        ), nil xs
        (I ?n) (cons ?x ?xs), cons x splitAt n xs

takeAt : integer a_list, a
takeAt (O   ) (cons ?x ?xs), x
       (I ?n) (cons ?x ?xs), takeAt n xs

take' : integer a_list, a_list
take' length ?xs concat xs ?ys, xs

drop' : integer a_list, a_list
drop' length ?xs concat xs ?ys, ys

splitAt' : integer a_list, a_list a_list
splitAt' length ?xs concat xs ?ys, xs ys

splitAt'' : a_list integer, a_list a_list
splitAt'' concat ?xs ?ys length xs, xs ys

takeAt' : integer a_list, a
takeAt' length ?xs (concat xs cons ?y ?ys), y

elemIndices : a a_list, integer
elemIndices ?x (concat ?xs cons x ?ys), length xs

combs : integer integer, i_list
combs O      O     , nil
      ?k     (I ?n), cons A (combs k n)
      (I ?k) (I ?n), cons B (combs k n)

---------------------- BrainFuck -----------------------

bf_stop: 0
bf_left, bf_right, bf_inc, bf_dec, bf_in, bf_out: 1
bf_if: 2

bf_eval: bf_prog list list bf_inputs, bf_outputs
bf_eval bf_left  ?prog (cons ?x ?xs) ?ys ?i, bf_eval prog xs (cons x ys) i
        bf_right ?prog ?xs (cons ?y ?ys) ?i, bf_eval prog (cons y xs) ys i
        bf_inc   ?prog ?xs (cons ?y ?ys) ?i, bf_eval prog xs (cons I y ys) i
        bf_dec   ?prog ?xs (cons I ?y ?ys) ?i, bf_eval prog xs (cons y ys) i
        bf_out   ?prog ?xs ?ys ?i, cons (head ys) (bf_eval prog xs ys i)
        bf_in    ?prog ?xs (cons ?y ?ys) (cons ?i ?is), bf_eval prog xs (cons i ys) is
        bf_if ?prog1 ?prog2 ?xs ?ys ?i, head ys = O,    bf_eval prog2 xs ys i
        bf_if ?prog1 ?prog2 ?xs ?ys ?i, head ys = I ?n, bf_eval prog1 xs ys i
        bf_stop ?xs ?ys ?i, nil

-- choose ?prog O, prog ?x
--        ?prog I ?n, ?x prog

-- bf_eval bf_if (choose ?prog head ?ys) ?xs ys, bf_eval prog xs ys

bf_p1: , bf_prog
bf_p1, ?p = bf_if bf_dec bf_right bf_inc bf_left p bf_right bf_out bf_stop, bf_inc bf_inc p

bf_int: bf_prog bf_inputs, bf_outputs
bf_int ?prog ?i, bf_eval prog (repeat O) (repeat O) i

blabla: 0,1
blabla, !y

f : 0, 1
--f, _2
f ,  f
g : 2, 1
g ?x x, x = id x, O

ff : 0, 1
ff, ?x = f, (g x x)

ff' : 1, 2
ff' ?y, ?x = f, (g x y) x

ff'' : 0, 1
ff'', ff' ?y = ?z y, z

---------------------- Sequence -----------------------

X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9 : 0

_27 : , integer
_27 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O

sequence, sequence2 : , list

sequence, ?x = cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w nil,
          x = concat ?w cons X9 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X9 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X9 ?w,
          x = concat ?w cons X8 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X8 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X8 ?w,
          x = concat ?w cons X7 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X7 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X7 ?w,
          x = concat ?w cons X6 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X6 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X6 ?w,
          x = concat ?w cons X5 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X5 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X5 ?w,
          x = concat ?w cons X4 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X4 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X4 ?w,
          x = concat ?w cons X3 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X3 cons ?w cons ?w cons ?w cons X3 ?w,
          x = concat ?w cons X2 cons ?w cons ?w cons X2 cons ?w cons ?w cons X2 ?w,
          x = concat ?w cons X1 cons ?w cons X1 cons ?w cons X1 ?w,

sequence2, length ?x = _27,
           x = concat ?a1 cons X9 concat ?a2 cons X9 concat ?a3 cons X9 ?a4, length a2 = length a3 = _9,
           x = concat ?a1 cons X8 concat ?a2 cons X8 concat ?a3 cons X8 ?a4, length a2 = length a3 = _8,
           x = concat ?a1 cons X7 concat ?a2 cons X7 concat ?a3 cons X7 ?a4, length a2 = length a3 = _7,
           x = concat ?a1 cons X6 concat ?a2 cons X6 concat ?a3 cons X6 ?a4, length a2 = length a3 = _6,
           x = concat ?a1 cons X5 concat ?a2 cons X5 concat ?a3 cons X5 ?a4, length a2 = length a3 = _5,
           x = concat ?a1 cons X4 concat ?a2 cons X4 concat ?a3 cons X4 ?a4, length a2 = length a3 = _4,
           x = concat ?a1 cons X3 concat ?a2 cons X3 concat ?a3 cons X3 ?a4, length a2 = length a3 = _3,
           x = concat ?a1 cons X2 concat ?a2 cons X2 concat ?a3 cons X2 ?a4, length a2 = length a3 = _2,
           x = concat ?a1 cons X1 concat ?a2 cons X1 concat ?a3 cons X1 ?a4, length a2 = length a3 = _1,

---------------------- Flock of geese -----------------------------------------------------

half: 1, 1
half add ?x x, x

flock: 0, 1
flock, add ?x (add x (add half x (add (half half x) _1))) = mul _10 _10, x

----------------------- Spies --------------------------------
spies : 0,1
spies, ?xs = cons ?x0 cons ?x1 cons ?x2 cons ?x3 cons ?x4 cons ?x5 cons ?x6 nil, 
       takeAt x0 xs = _1,
       takeAt x1 xs = _2,
       takeAt x2 xs = _3,
       takeAt x3 xs = _4,
       takeAt x4 xs = _5,
       takeAt x5 xs = _6,
       takeAt x6 xs = _0,

----------------------- Fish puzzle --------------------------------
True : 0

checkOne : 6, 1
checkOne ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 a1, True
         ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 a2, True
         ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 a3, True
         ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 a4, True
         ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 a5, True

listCheck : 10, 1
listCheck ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5,
           checkOne a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 b1 = True,
           checkOne a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 b2 = True,
           checkOne a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 b3 = True,
           checkOne a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 b4 = True,
           checkOne a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 b5 = True,

samePlace : 2, 2
samePlace Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 Quintuple ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5, a1 b1
          Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 Quintuple ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5, a2 b2
          Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 Quintuple ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5, a3 b3
          Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 Quintuple ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5, a4 b4
          Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 Quintuple ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5, a5 b5

near : 2, 2
near Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 Quintuple ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5, a1 b2
     Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 Quintuple ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5, a2 b3
     Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 Quintuple ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5, a3 b4
     Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 Quintuple ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5, a4 b5
     Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 Quintuple ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5, a2 b1
     Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 Quintuple ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5, a3 b2
     Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 Quintuple ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5, a4 b3
     Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5 Quintuple ?b1 ?b2 ?b3 ?b4 ?b5, a5 b4

leftOf : 1, 2
leftOf Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a1 a2
       Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a1 a3
       Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a1 a4
       Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a1 a5
       Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a2 a3
       Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a2 a4
       Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a2 a5
       Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a3 a4
       Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a3 a5
       Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a4 a5

leftOf' : 1, 2
leftOf' Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a1 a2
        Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a2 a3
        Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a3 a4
        Quintuple ?a1 ?a2 ?a3 ?a4 ?a5, a4 a5

Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, White : 0
Norwegian, Dane, Brit, German, Swede : 0
Dunhill, Blend, PallMall, Prince, Bluemaster : 0
Cat, Horse, Bird, Fish, Dog : 0
Water, Tea, Milk, Coffee, Beer : 0

Quintuple : 5

fish : 0, 5
fish, listCheck ?c1 ?c2 ?c3 ?c4 ?c5 Yellow Red Green Blue White = True,
      listCheck ?n1 ?n2 ?n3 ?n4 ?n5 Norwegian Dane Brit German Swede = True,
      listCheck ?s1 ?s2 ?s3 ?s4 ?s5 Dunhill Blend PallMall Prince Bluemaster = True,
      listCheck ?d1 ?d2 ?d3 ?d4 ?d5 Water Tea Milk Coffee Beer = True,
      listCheck ?p1 ?p2 ?p3 ?p4 ?p5 Cat Horse Bird Fish Dog = True,
      ?c = Quintuple c1 c2 c3 c4 c5,
      ?n = Quintuple n1 n2 n3 n4 n5,
      ?s = Quintuple s1 s2 s3 s4 s5,
      ?d = Quintuple d1 d2 d3 d4 d5,
      ?p = Quintuple p1 p2 p3 p4 p5,
      samePlace n c = Brit Red,
      samePlace n p = Swede Dog,
      samePlace n d = Dane Tea,
      leftOf' c = Green White,
      samePlace c d = Green Coffee,
      samePlace s p = PallMall Bird,
      samePlace c s = Yellow Dunhill,
      d3 = Milk,
      near s p = Blend Cat,
      n1 = Norwegian,
      near p s = Horse Dunhill,
      samePlace s d = Bluemaster Beer,
      samePlace n s = German Prince,
      near n c = Norwegian Blue,
      near s d = Blend Water,
      Quintuple c1 n1 s1 d1 p1
      Quintuple c2 n2 s2 d2 p2
      Quintuple c3 n3 s3 d3 p3
      Quintuple c4 n4 s4 d4 p4
      Quintuple c5 n5 s5 d5 p5

------------------ Driving task form Andrei Nemytykh ---------------------------
drive2 : 0, 1
drive2, concat ?eX concat ?eQ cons B cons ?sV concat ?eP cons A ?eY =
        concat  eY concat  eP cons A cons  sV concat  eQ cons B eX

NIL : 0
Symbol : 1
Concat : 2

concat2 : 2, 1
concat2 NIL ?eY, eY
        ?eX ?eY, Concat eX eY
        (Concat ?eX ?eY) ?eZ, Concat eX (concat2 eY eZ)

drive : 0, 1
drive, concat2 ?eX concat2 ?eQ Concat (Symbol B) Concat (Symbol ?sV) concat2 ?eP Concat (Symbol A) ?eY =
       concat2  eY concat2  eP Concat (Symbol A) Concat (Symbol  sV) concat2  eQ Concat (Symbol B) eX