======================================================================== LucidaSO font pack as of 2000-12-09 ======================================================================== These are supplementary files needed for using the Lucida Type1 fonts with LaTeX. Lucida Type1 fonts (total 32 type1 fonts) are freely available as part of StarOffice 5.2 distribution from http://www.sun.com/staroffice/ Due to legal reasons, they are _not_ distributed here. The installation script, the metrics, virtual fonts and fd files were provided by Vladimir Volovich ; the material was adapted to VTeX/Free by Walter Schmidt . There are 3 font families: LucidaBright, LucidaSans, LucidaType: family series shape(s) ----------------------------------------------------- Lucida Bright hlh m, b n, it, sl, sc, ui Lucida Sans hls m, b n, sl, sc Lucida Typewriter hlct m, b n, sl, sc We made support for the following TeX font encodings: T1, TS1, OT1, T2A (Cyrillic). Only LucidaSans and LucidaType families contain Cyrillic fonts. There are in total 70 font shapes. Virtual fonts were made using fontinst v1.914. The type1 fonts come in 3 encodings: windows cp1250, cp1252, and cp1251. teTeX contains Y&Y's metrics and VFs for lucida fonts, but those fonts are named differently, and VFs are based on 8r-encoded raw fonts constructing a number of accented glyphs. In the LucidaSO package, we do not use 8r-encoded raw fonts, but instead take most of accented glyphs directly from type1 fonts (encoded in cp1250 and cp1252). There are some differences in supported font shapes (Y&Y's font set is of course more complete, but on the other hand we created e.g. unslanted italic fonts which were absent in Y&Y's fonts, etc.) So, teTeX's TFMs and VFs for lucida could not be used directly with lucida fonts from SO; that is the point of creating the LucidaSO package. Obtaining the Type1 fonts ------------------------- 1) Get and install StarOffice 5.2 for Linux, or find a PC where it is already installed. 2) Edit the shell script lucidaso.sh, so that $SO_HOME reflects the root directory of your StarOffice. 3) Run the shell script; this will create an archive file lucidaso-type1-5.2.tar.gz. This archive contains all LucidaSO fonts, properly renamed and arranged for use with TeX then. For further installation instructions, please read: README-teTeX if you are a teTeX user README-VTeX if you are a VTeX/Free user Look into the directory texmf/doc/latex/lucidaso/ for documentation and/or examples (I'm sorry, there isn't much documentation yet). DISCLAIMER ---------- This is experimental material; changes are to be expected. Use at your own risk: No guarantee is made as to the proper functioning of this software. No liability will be admitted for damage resulting from using this software. Primary distribution site: ftp://ftp.vsu.ru/pub/tex/font-packs/lucidaso/ Mirror site: http://home.vr-web.de/was/luci.html Mail your comments, questions, bug reports to: Vladimir Volovich VTeX-specific questions should be addressed to: Walter Schmidt Changes: 2000/12/09: corrected encoding of OT1-encoded typewriter fonts: some characters inside a \verb command were incorrect (thanks to Thomas Lotze for bug report).