Installing the LucidaSO font pack with VTeX/Free ------------------------------------------------ This applies to Linux as well as OS/2: 1) unpack the archives lucidaso-type1-5.2.tar.gz and lucidaso-tex-.tar.gz in your texmf/ directory. 2) add an entry for the additional font map "lucidaso.ali" in the TYPE1 section of the configuration files texmf/vtex/config/ and texmf/vtex/config/ TYPE1 { ... lucidaso.ali } -- IMPORTANT -- IMPORTANT -- IMPORTANT -- IMPORTANT -- IMPORTANT -- This applies to VTeX 7.10F and below: 3) Using the LucidaSO fonts with VTeX in PostScript mode requires that the option "j" is specified. Change the shell script "vlatexp" (Linux) or "vlatexp.cmd" (OS/2) as follows: Linux: /usr/local/vtex/bin/vtexlnx -ov -pu0 -ofps -@s{g=a,j @latex $* ____^_ OS/2: vtex -ov -pu0 -ofps -$s(g=a,j @latex %1 ____^_ In case you are using the EPM TeX Front End (OS/2), do not forget to update the PostScript options in the VTeX menu accordingly! See below for an explanation of the j option, which used to be undocumented; notice that it should not do any harm! ======================================================================== Mode-specific option: j "Join" fonts: When a Type1 font is used both in unmodified and modified (e.g., slanted) form, it will be embedded only once, thus saving space. However, additional PS or PDF code is required for switching between the two variants then. In long documents, this may occur very often, so that they may become actually longer. The option applies to PDF and PostScript mode. Notice that VTeX as of version 7.10G and above can properly handle the Lucida fonts _without_ the "j" option. ========================================================================