Dehornoy's ordering of braids

  • This is a C-program implementing the Dehornoy's algorithm discribed in the paper
  • The program works under UNIX (and presumably under other systems, Windows'95, etc.).

    Representation of braids

    Each entrance of a standard generator si of the braid group is represented by its subscript i. An entrance of the inverse generator si-1 is represented by the negative subscript -i. So the whole word will be represented by a sequence of integers. For example, the word

    s2-1 s32 s1-3

    is represented by a list

    -2 3 3 -1 -1 -1

    Download the source files

    Source code (gzipped tar file "dehornoy.tar.gz")

    After downloading please do the following commands:


  • The file "wordin" contains a list representing the input word. You can change the input word by editing this file with a text editor. If you would like to reduce a single word then the list should be ended with zero. So in the example above it should be -2 3 3 -1 -1 -1 0. Another option is if you would like to compare two braids a and b, then the corresponding lists for a and b sould be separated by zero (for example, -2 3 3 -1 0 -3 1 1). The result will be reduced word for ab-1.

  • The file "wordout" contains a list representing the reduced word.

    Related things

  • The paper contains a nice geometrical description of the ordering.

  • Java program by Djun M. Kim drawing beautiful pictures of curve diagrams of braids.